There appears to be a coup ongoing in Romania after the wrong guy won the first round of the presidential election on November 24: A Populist called Calin Georgescu, an independent, coming out of nowhere, completely blindsiding the elites. This guy, he's a big fan of Trump:
So yesterday, December 6, the Romanian equivalent of SCOTUS decided to cancel the second round of elections (after it had started), preventing his victory. Also decided to annul the round that had already occurred. This is unprecedented stuff, a complete violation of the Constitution, something previously unimagined. No one ever imagined a bunch of judges could tell everyone to pretend elections hadn't just happened & were about to happen again. In-between the two rounds of voting for the presidency, Romania has also organized legislative elections on December 1—maybe these will vanish into thin air, too? Or did the right guys win those?
Then the Romanian president also declared that he will not leave the presidency when his term ends according to the Constitution. He'll stay as long as needed, given what the Court has done.
Also, the Romanian equivalent of the Joint Chiefs helped precipitate this crisis by suggesting some kind of Russian or Chinese op in Romania had swayed the elections (involving TikTok).
A remarkable attack by the elites on the democracy. First wave, complete surprise & thus success. I assume madness is incoming & the NATO Eastern flank might shake. Who knows what the EU & US might do!
"Our Democracy" triumphs again!
But on a serious note: my condolences, Titus.
As with the German court having come close to, and seeming to still be open to, outlawing the AfD party, this looks like the nightmare outcome of the 90s and aughties world-wide imitation of the U.S. "Constitution's" special living constitutionalist role, circa 1948-to-2018, for a Supreme Court, and with the more-aggressive amplifications Italian, Canadian, and Brazilian added. One can see James Allan's book, Democracy in Decline for some of the developments of this, as they stood a decade ago.
Of course, it also just looks like desperate fig-leaf.