America’s most spiritual cinematic artist is dead. David Lynch was a great defender of ‘50s America, what’s called Americana, since he grew up in that time. Born in Missoula, Montana.
At the American Cinema Foundation, we love Lynch & plan to talk about all his films & TV. I’m recording one such conversation today with David Polansky, on the 1997 neo-noir “comeback” movie Lost Highway. But I’ve already got a few podcasts to recommend below—here’s the David Bowie track for the movie titles:
Here’s my podcast with James Poulos on Twin Peaks.
Mulholland Drive, with Sohrabi Ahmari.
Blue Velvet, with Ryan Shinkel.
Dune, with Ryan again.
Next week, I’ll record another podcast, on Elephant Man, Lynch’s first studio picture & biggest success.
You can also find all the podcasts here: just sharing!