If you listened closely, you could hear the sound of planes in the sky. French or enemy? No one knew. …It was impossible to make the servants listen… Even though they wanted to leave too, their need to follow a routine was stronger than their terror; and they insisted on doing everything exactly as they always done when getting ready to go to the countryside for the summer holidays. The trunks had to be packed in the usual way... They hadn’t understood the reality of the situation. They were living two different moments, you might say, half in the present and half deep in the past, as if what was happening could only seep into a small part of their consciousnesses, the most superficial part, leaving all the deeper regions peacefully asleep.
Irène Némirovksy, Suite Française, on a family fleeing Paris, June, 1940
The last four weeks or so—whew!—it’s been one blockbuster story after another: the invasion of Ukraine; the Canada protest and political crisis; the Canada-inspired protests in other nations, in France, Australia, New Zealand, and now America, as the “People’s Convoy” rolls toward DC, threatening further supply-chain chaos; the recent reports out of Wisconsin and Arizona, which, coming on top of previous info from Georgia, all-but-seal the conclusion that yes, the bastards stole the 2020 election; the Durham investigation filings, which show that Russiagate was worse than Watergate, and which suggest HRC (& Obama?) will be brought into legal jeopardy.
Momentous stories indeed, but I believe there is a strong possibility that every single one of them will eventually seem insignificant in comparison to a coming one.
Another way of saying this is that the video clip from the last month which most riveted my attention was this one, of a strange event in Mexico:
Something about way the flock’s down-swoop so suddenly inserts a mass of Darkness into our view is uncanny, and frightening…but of course, the later shots of the hundreds of dead or dying birds on the pavement are disturbing enough.
Taking a purely rationalist view, I’d say a.) this is a rare but naturally-occurring event, as bird species like this yellow-tipped blackbird one which utilize tight-formation flock movement probably do have these crashes once in a blue moon, as it only takes a few birds in the lead making a snap misjudgment, and b.) this is simply the first time one has been caught on camera.
Taking another view, it is an omen.
In that view, God let us see this to warn us of, and to spiritually prepare us for, the disaster upon us. It is a sign that even functions as a visual parable, so that if we think of ourselves as the flock, it illustrates the way an elite-class error can lead all of us perilously close to, and many of us right smack into, death.
Could it be a warning of nuclear war? Of economic collapse? Yes, but there is a better fit. I think it is meant to warn us that the “vaxxes” so many of us took are turning out to be very dangerous—the reports are true that they have already killed tens of thousands, and that they may kill many times that in the medium or long term.
My fascination with this video is thus a function of my own bewilderment about what I honestly think is happening, that is, of my soul’s struggling to admit, even into its provisional sense of reality, what my reasoning faculty has been led to. It has been led to the bleak scenarios sketched later on in this piece, by the mounting evidence that the novel medicines have already killed quite a few of us—in the U.S. alone, somewhere in the 40,000 to 400,000 range,1 and even more so, by the increasing likelihood of certain hypotheses that the main waves of harm for the vaxxed are yet to come. Almost nothing offered up by our official public-health spokespersons has proven an obstacle to my train of thought on this—indeed, the now overwhelming evidence that most of these officials were corrupted by some kind of “regulatory capture” dynamic with respect to the Ivermectin/early treatment issue, their continued reliance on shameful methods of professional persecution of doctors wanting to research vax harms, their continued refusal to engage in any public debates with such doctors and other experts, and most of all, their inability to provide any explanation of the already-unfolded vax harms which would reassure us that more are not on the way, have brought me to my grim conclusions all the faster.
Still, it is hard to keep the category of the potential-yet-horrific from simply becoming dismissed by one’s soul, and so I have whole days where I am more like those French servants who continued to behave as if a soon-to-pass way of life will chug along as per usual, than like a truly sober thinker, one who understands that the old order is dead. I feel more like a confused prophet these days than an adherent of a steely-eyed Raymond-Aron-like discipline of social science. I find myself being drawn into the mode of Jeremiah, of certain Dylan-songs, and of the crazy-seeming characters of 12 Monkeys, but if the omen is to be in any way a blessing, I must try to keep all that on hold when writing for the public.
Well who knows, but anyhow, going into my more cautious and respectable mode, I agree that beyond the more-conservative attempts to tabulate the deaths and injuries which have already occurred, we should speak only of possibilities. As I’ve stressed before, we can’t know what the medium and long term outcomes will be. But what we can do is begin to lay out the main scenarios of what could happen.
Now most of the hypotheses of medium-term or long-term harm, several of which I at least linked to in my long “On Boosters and Child-Vaccination” piece (here is an abbreviated version), are difficult for the layman to understand or judge. They involve complex accounts of how mechanisms unintentionally2 set in play by the vaxxes might do damage to our immune systems or organs.
In the long-run, doing the hard work of understanding those theories may prove essential, but recently, a very specific kind of evidence emerged which leads anyone who sees it straight to an easy-to-understand hypothesis, namely, that a vax-induced process of string-clot-formation in veins and arteries has been happening, which likely explains many of the excess deaths in the all-cause-mortality charts so far, but which also, may predict many more to come. Lots of apparently healthy people could be walking around with these slowly growing within them. This is what I have called the Richard Hirschman Story, after the Alabama embalmer who found the clots.
You think the Flock of Dark is a chilling sight? Behold, the Bowl of White:
What are you looking at?
Hirschman reported, at the end of this January, that he had been finding increasing numbers of blood-clots in the veins and arteries of cadavers, many of them long strings of a surprisingly rubbery-like, strength, and mostly white. He hadn’t been looking for anything, but his embalming duties meant he had to pull out any obstructions to the pumping in of embalming fluids. This January, of the 57 cadavers he embalmed, 37 of them had these. He has been an embalmer for 20 years and had never noticed these kinds of internal clots until about May of 2021. After speaking about this to 10-15 of his fellow embalmers, all of them said they are noticing the same thing. They are also noticing that as far as they can know—and they usually do--all of these cases but one occurred with vaxxed persons.
This is a bowl of some of those clots, rinsed with water such that the red parts of them dissolved off, but with these main ghastly-white chord structures remaining intact. We await the lab analysis results that Hirschman claims he has sought out, but since this story broke on the Dr. Ruby show, another embalmer in Missouri has come forward to say she is finding similar clots. Some of the most recent updates on the story can be found here from CR Podcast, from American Greatness, from Dr. Mercola, and here is a two-week old interview of Hirschman by Steve Kirsch, with summary.
There are only two ways to explain it: either 1) it is a very elaborate fraud, perpetrated by a highly sophisticated and well-funded organization seeking to discredit the vaxxes, or 2), something new to humans in 2021 is forming these clots and killing large numbers of us, whether it is a) a new ingredient in some widely used product, b) some didn’t-kill-many-before-2021 longer-term effect of the Covid-19 virus, or c) the vaxxes. Notice that with either of these two categories of possibility, it is a story that cries out, without absolute urgency, for multiple, all-hands-on-deck, medical organization and major media, investigations. We need to know if a nefarious group is seeking to mislead the public this way, and even more urgently, if some new agent is actually killing quite a few of us, we need to know what it is. Assuming we can devise counter-measures to these clots, we are in a race against time if the true explanation is any one of the three second class of possibilities. If we might learn sooner rather than later how we might fight the clots, who the hell should care which of the three it is?
And there is no third possibility. If more experienced embalmers or pathologists knew that what Hirschman and the others have found could be explained by some normally-occurring process or common error, they would have spoken up by now.
But the worst part of this story is that even three weeks after it had broken, no legacy/mainstream media, and no investigators from any national health organization, had asked to speak to Hirschman. The heart-hardened fools at these organizations are apparently still working according to the standard Covid-era script of how you marginalize dissident reports—classify them as “unproven,” as “fringe,” and engage in no efforts to investigate or debate them, and then later on, circularly say that “no evidence from a respectable institution has emerged” to support them, when it was you yourself who made it so no investigation by such institutions would occur.
But with the Richard Hirschman story, none of that (itself corrupt) “epidemiological” public-relations technique can “work,” as again, there only two possible explanations, and both demand immediate investigation. Apparently, the scoundrels who run these top organizations will not let themselves consider the case enough to understand this elementary logic. They had better hope that fraud turns out to be the story, for otherwise, that error of deliberate negligence is going to wind up drenching their hands in blood, and regardless of whether the vaxxes are the factor implicated or not.
What are you looking at?
You are looking at a distinct possibility that the years 2021-2025, or perhaps it will be a two-to-three decade process, say, 2021-2051, will be remembered as the era of the Vax Death.
You are looking at the possibility that you will be attending quite a few funerals of vaxxed loved-ones for what seem to be random premature deaths, and if you vaxxed, that your loved-ones might wind-up attending one such for yourself.
I pray I am wrong. I admit that I do not know I am right. And I seek to remind myself and others who refused the vax, that it is sin to want this to prove true. Do not forget this, even though it is quite right to want some kind of dramatic and repentance-prodding lesson to finally get through to the many who remain so doggedly loyal to the Narrative, given the magnitude of the already-occurred political/economic disaster.
Given what we know at present, little though it is, we can sketch five possible scenarios for a future tabulation of vax-harms. Sketching these will allow me to more carefully speak of the possible implications, in future essays.
1) The Sub-Disastrous Possibility. To rationally discuss any of these scenarios, one must first admit that the case for the vaxxes’ basic safety, the one confidently pronounced by the vax-promoters back in, say, August, has been completely shot to hell. There is no way the many reports of death or harm believed to been caused by the vaxxes will all be turn out to be entirely wrong. By now we all know that the itself-frightening VAERS data is the tip of some larger iceberg, and that all-cause mortality rates were way, way up for 2021, by some counts, even 40% up.3
Thus, simply in accepting the reality of what has for the most part already happened, and positing a very small amount of yet-to-arrive harm, we arrive at this mildest, and sorry, most unlikely of the five scenarios. In it, the number of vax-caused deaths would wind up somewhere in the 40,000 to 100,000 range (in the U.S., and let us say, from 2021-2025). Denialist narrative-addiction would still be quite possible--the various scientific, corporate, and political vax-promoters could keep making most of their current “arguments,” even though they would have to couch these in the retrospective sense of “what we had to do,” since simply due to reasons of limited vax-efficacy, I expect they will be forced to drop present-tense promotion of the vaxxes by the end of 2022.
2) There is some possibility that the extent of vax-caused death would wind-up somewhere in the 100,000 to 500,000 range (again, for simplicity’s sake these numbers are U.S. only, and only looking at the same 2021-2025 time-frame), which certainly would be very shocking and devastating, but, “manageable.” Some would conclude that “even though we never would have done it had we known what we now do, it was a surprisingly high-cost experiment we had to try,” others, including yours truly, would conclude otherwise. Let us call it the Mild Vax Death Scenario.
It is crucial to note that this scenario requires every hypothesis of long-term harm from the vaxxes—with the exception of the extra-long-term ones that posit harm not being evident for 10-15 years--to prove incorrect.4 So it requires, among many other things, that the clots Hirschman has noticed, assuming their truth, and their connection to the vaxxes is verified, are only being formed by a process that occurs during about a half-year after injection. The idea here would mean that if you’ve vaxxed, and your blood doesn’t form these clots sometime within the six month period, it never will. That would fit some speculations about how the vaxxes could be causing the clots due to the initial production of spike protein, but we simply do not know, and one aspect of Hirschman’s findings, his having so far seen an increasing greater proportion every month of cadavers with the clots, suggests a longer process of formation.
3) What is more likely is an eventually-admitted-by-all Public Health Policy Disaster, with around 500,000 to 1,000,000 Americans killed in the time-frame, and either some damage to overall fertility, or some convincing signs that a proportion of the vaxxed will prematurely die sometime in the post-2026 years, say, 10% of them having to expect a reduction to their lifespan by at least five years. Everyone would agree that the vaxxes never should have been approved.
4) What, alas, seems as likely to me is a Catastrophe, in which we either get up to or over 5 million American deaths in the time-frame, or get up to “only” a million but also get one or more of these: a.) significant hits to fertility, b.) several million gradually-developed vax-disabilities5 , c.) convincing signs that an even larger proportion of the vaxxed will prematurely die sometime in the post-2025 years, say, 25% expecting a five-year reduction of lifespan. In this scenario, nearly everyone would see a loved-one killed, disabled, rendered infertile, or having to expect a substantially shortened life. This Catastrophe would utterly damn the past 30-or-so years of operation of our medical, media, social media, corporate, university, and political establishments. Nuremburg-like trials would take place. A cultural U-turn away from the common mindset many philosophical analysts, such as Philippe Bénéton, classify as scientism, would hopefully be part of this societal earthquake.
5) What cannot yet be ruled out, and yet which seems to me more likely than scenario 2 or less, is a Mass Depopulation Event. In this scenario, we would gradually learn that the vaxxes function as long-term poison of an unstoppable kind to more than a fourth of those who received them, perhaps up to most all who received them, and/or that they do similarly extensive harm to fertility. Obviously, this would cause some degree of world-wide chaos, and would toss out all present expectations/predictions about the future. We would learn how realistic or not some of the things which now appear to be wild (and vengeance-longing?) apocalyptic speculations, such as the idea of a suicidal hysteria of the vaxxed once they began to see the writing on the wall—see Lawrence Butts—would turn out to be. Perhaps all future history would be told in terms of pre-Vax-Death, and post-Vax-Death, or perhaps, the new era would become the most Christian one yet.6
So you see why I began this piece looking right past what seem to be huge stories. Even future ones as apparently momentous as, say, Obama being locked up, the stock-market crashing 95%, or Canada becoming a fascist state for a decade, would become dwarfed by scenarios 3 or 4, and if scenario 5 unfolded, would become seen as mere details of the old times.
My coming essays, after this first one in the series, will in the second part, flesh out this five-fold scenario schema with more evidence, third, indicate the moral judgments which we already know must be applied to the crimes committed during this extended Covid/Vax disaster, fourth, offer some tentative predictions as to the political/cultural fall-outs with any given scenario—and I will perhaps go on to speculate about how conservatives, artists, and Christians, ought to be preparing for all this.
But enough attempts at rational orderliness—I’ll leave you with some rhymes, adapted from Dylan’s “A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall.”
And what did you see, my blue-eyed son?And what did you see, my darling young one?I saw traffic-jammed lots, outside every clinic,I saw calendars full, of funeral appointments,I saw the runner collapse, before a crowd of ten-thousand,I saw a bowl of white clot-strings, removed from the bodies,I saw the flock hurled down, and dying in millions…
This is my estimate based on reading multiple articles; see Steve Kirsch, who offers up 150,000 as his lowball estimate, and consider recent DOD DMED data, regarding many non-fatal events, and a recent German study regarding all “vaccine complication” doctor’s visits.
Yes, some commentators on these stories say intentionally—as in some shadowy group led by Bill Gates and the WEF intended these vaxxes to reduce population--but I am not among them, nor are a majority of the dissident scientists putting forth these hypotheses.
If you want to peg most of this rise to long-term or undiagnosed Covid-19, consider the significance of the New Zealand data—esp. from 12:00 to 15:00.
Another way of remaining at the comparatively low numbers of this scenario is if the damages caused by the predicted processes to prove subject to reliable detection and remedy.
Obviously, we already have many of such disabilities that have developed in the short term—I’d guess the American total is somewhere in the 200,000 to 500,000 range. Consider just one of these, Mandie’s Story)
I grant that a sixth, and possibly even worse, scenario is imaginable if there really is some international or merely Chinese-military plot afoot to release a second engineered virus upon us, but that would get us into a whole other line of speculation. As said in ftnt 2, I don’t think such a plot is what explains the Covid/Vax disaster; but of course, in the 2020s, we’ve all learned to never completely rule anything out!
And who will be held accountable for all this?