Jun 12Liked by Carl Eric Scott

"He doesn’t get that it’s politicians like himself who are the main danger to democratic say and authentic civility in this state."

I disagree. He knows what he is doing. He just doesn't care. The situation is much worse than even your very good article describes.

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I don't understand how "populist conservatives" can make critiques about how the govt and republicans handled Covid, and not aim they're ire at Trump, who still promotes the vaccine as his greatest achievement, refuses to acknowledge anything was done wrong and gave Fauci a freaking medal.

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Strategic calculation. It's painful. It involves on my part the hypocrisy of holding that Trump must get a pass on the Covid/Vax Disaster, for now, and to a degree that no other Republican gets. (Though they get some--in Utah, I didn't push for recent conservative candidates Lyman or Staggs to stand-up on the issue.)

Kennedy cannot win, and has a lifetime pattern of being against fundamental conservative planks.

I was for DeSantis getting the nomination. He didn't quite have it though, and much of the populist conservative base wants the simple poetic justice of the man who had everything thrown at him by our vile establishment, including (almost certainly) the stealing of his election, getting elected in their face.

Trump was totally played by Birx and the medical/DOD establishment. Worse, his lieutenants may be the ones pressuring professional conservatives to go along with the suppression campaign, the Omerta which prevents open discussion about the Covid-19 vax-harms; this is shaping up to become the greatest moral failure of American conservativism ever, and for all we know Trump will attempt to keep it going for four more years.

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