Feb 26·edited Feb 26Liked by Carl Eric Scott

I think a big wakeup call is "Defeat The Mandate" rallies but a lot of them, locally. They should be on a Friday so people can take a day off off or the afternoon off and rally at the County Building.

There should be a collection taken for books to give to County leaders - the booth need not have the books - just Amazon gift them to them. People say "But Wayne, they don't care if people get hurt."

But they do care if people know that they know, even if they don't show it. A regular twice-a-week or monthly rally would be good, as well. Form a citizen's investigative committee like Canada did and video the results. There are many things we can all do but we need to unite locally on a county level.

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Feb 26Liked by Carl Eric Scott

The reason is, there is a Uniparty, and its been in charge for a looong time, we are all just now realizing it as our liberties erode for the "general welfare" and RINO's need to stay in the mix to give the illusion of choice that everyone cherishes so much.

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Feb 26Liked by Carl Eric Scott

Step one: resist the lies and live not by lies. Step two: Parallel Polis. The Vax disaster should have been a huge wake up call, but most people, liberal and conservative, are complacent and fast asleep. There are things coming down the pipeline that will probably make the Vax disaster look like a picnic in the park. We need a Lincoln-esque call to national repentance. As terrible as Biden, Harris, Cox, and their ilk are, Trump is part of the cabal, or at least he leads a warring faction in the cabal. Criminal overlords run the government and the deep state as the shepherd of the flock of timid and industrious herd animals. When in the course of human events...

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And Kirsch is right that the more shots, the less healthy kids and everyone else gets. But hardly anyone understands the myth of "Autism" and where it comes from: https://psychiatricsurvivors.wordpress.com/2018/09/02/the-myth-of-autism/

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Funny, just today we were having a café conversation about what exactly it is that woke different people up about the pandemic fraud. For me, it was a combination of my training in journalism (long before the current generation of conformist pseudo-journalists) and as an author who taught myself how to do research in order to write books. Essentially: having developed a faculty for critical thinking. That, combined with a bad experience with a pharmaceutical that nearly killed me 22 years ago, when I was still in the "trust the doctor, he knows best" mentality. So my red flags were up by March 2020, even before the vaccine was rolled out.

For a friend of mine who has always been a spiritual seeker and who has studied spiritual traditions the world over, it was an intuitive message "from my angel" that told him this was going to be a very, very dangerous time, and not to trust the messages coming from established authorities. So it seems people come to dissidence from multiple pathways, intuitive, intellectual and experiential.

As to what keeps people in denial despite the daily growing mountain of evidence (of course well hidden from the masses by mainstream media), you might want to check out Dr. Michael Nehls' new book, The Indoctrinated Brain. A neuroscientist, his thesis is that the spike proteins induced by the jabs damages the hippocampus, which is responsible for the formation of memories related to individual experience, and therefore to individuation itself. With that seems to go a killing of innate curiosity, which is what has so puzzled me about people. How could you not ask, at least once—no matter what you believe—what the hell is really going on? The hippocampus damage thus seems to dispose people to seek the herd consensus, according to Dr. Nehls.

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