Discovered Mr. Goodwin recently, already watched the (impressively executed) video to which you link. May he prosper!

Apropos to the critique of lawyers (i. e., judges): cf. Manent, A World beyond Politics? (2001), "The Empire of Law" (and the beginning of the next chapter, "The Empire of Morality"). An essential part of the depoliticization of Europe in the name of a unilateral "DemocracyTM".

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I have Manent more in mind recently myself -- hoping to introduce him to new audiences...

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Excellent video. Anyone know Goodwin's past relations, or lack of them, with groups like UKIP and (the now-defunct) For Britain? I.e., on immigration, but on other issues as well (Bridgen), the Conservative Party has a lot to answer for. A judgment to support one of the minor populist parties in any given district was ever a difficult one to make prior to the late melt-down of conservative support, but I'd like to know that Goodwin was not among those "conservatives" openly or quietly advising one and all to have no contact with people like Farage, and the long-suffering Anne-Marie Waters. Or if he was, I'd like to hear his defense of that.

This comment probably makes it sound like I know more about British politics than I do. Or that I would have agreed with Farage and Waters on most issues had I been a British citizen. Neither is true.

But I have a sense that a refusal by respectable UK conservatives to work, on any terms, with any of the in-the-trenches and in-the-grubbiness populist-conservative figures, is a big part of the reason why things look so hopeless over there now. For a peek into that much less attractive and polished reality of British political work against present immigration policy, see Waters' latest video on yt, where she's come out of semi-retirement from politics (a retreat caused in part by threats of violence against her party), to engage in the grubby chore of explaining why right-wing figures like Dan of The Voice of Wales, and Tommy Robinson, are so wrong to not have clearly denounced Andrew Tate. Yes, threading a line, and insisting upon it, between people who make excuses for the likes of Tate, and those who accept establishment calls to never dialogue with or feature the likes of Robinson, Waters, etc., is part of the real work over there.

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Goodwin was not involved in anything political that I'm aware of; he's a poli.sci professor at Kent. He got involved in the scholarly defense of populism, nationalism, &c. ten years ago & has gradually become a media figure & public intellectual.

He's to the right of Farage.

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