Trump gave a magnificent speech before Congress this week, an example of what a vigorous and intelligent president, and one seeking to keep his rhetoric more in the realm of the sincere than in the calculated, can deliver. It was also a summary demonstration of how starkly bankrupt the Democratic platform & position has become, and just how disgusting the four years of the Biden administration really were. History, some very sorry history indeed, has drawn up this huge wave of reactive judgment, and Trump is riding it with gold-medal skill.
Meanwhile, as you have noticed, Titus and I enjoy talking about movies, even ones we can’t recommend. The Oscars ceremony was a kind of flipped version of Trump’s address before Congress, being an event which underlined the irrelevance of a set of progressivist leaders, though not through a speech spoken at them but through its own lack of compelling speech. None of the night’s speeches contained by-name commentary on the debut of Trump’s 2nd administration. The speculation that that atypical politics-free pattern was the result of order which the Academy sent out is probably correct, but clearly, a deeper exhaustion, and a partial self-awareness of it, was also at work. A line from Dylan’s “Highlands,” penned to address the 90s situation, feels apropos here—in 2025, for leftists, The party’s over, and there’s less and less to, say…
Good times for conservatives, right?
But unaddressed, and not simply by our president but by nearly all members of the chattering classes left and right, is the small matter of the 560,000 Americans which dissident experts estimate were killed by the Covid-19 vaxxes.
For this Lenten week also saw this: a wee little moment towards the end of a Rumble video which has only been viewed by around 6,000 persons, in which one of the most-respected medical dissident experts, Dr. Peter McCullough, mentioned, nearly in passing, that he and his fellow experts at his McCullough foundation believe that 24,000 Americans were killed by the Covid-19 vaxxes in 2024, and that the total number now is around 560,000.
May I remind you that U.S. deaths in Vietnam amounted to around 58,000? Should I add that, because it looks like the basic rule for arriving at the world estimate of Covid-Vax deaths is to multiply the American one by five, we are likely talking about a fatal poisoning of 2.8 million?
And there is the likewise small matter of how many tens of thousands of elites and managers, in medicine, journalism, military/intelligence, and politics too, had to have entered into a serious moral corruption to have permitted a disaster of this stunning a scope to have happened.
Here is the video, “We Now Have 4,000 Peer-Reviewed Papers On Vaccine Injuries & Deaths,” which is an interview of McCullough by Naomi Wolf on the specific issue of the many scientific journal articles documenting aspects of the disaster, and how many more such articles have been deliberately stalled, suppressed, rejected for specious reasons.
Here’s the key passage, at 57:30:
…Our CDC VAERS system has come in with the 2024 data. And sadly, in 2024, 823 Americans died and [these deaths] were recognized by the CDC, submitted by doctors with death certificates, what have you, as having died from the Covid-19 vaccine; and in FDA testimony, we believe that’s 30-fold underreported, that still means today that 24,000 Americans lost their lives to the Covid-19 vaccine in 2024. …Imagine if we had 24,000 people die in a collapse of a building in New York City… The silent death of 24,000 Americans, and the broader number now, through the pandemic, we believe, is 560,000 Americans. We have President Trump…
Naomi Wolf: [interrupts] From the vaccine?
McCullough: From the vaccine—560,000, as we project out there.
Ugh. Alas!
And yet, for those of us who read those we might call the “dissidents,” the “Covid-contrarians,” or the “members of the Medical Freedom Movement,” there is nothing surprising about this number. We are aware that among the scores of top dissident experts who have worked on the estimation issue, the number for the conservative estimate/projection of American deaths has long been in the 300,000-600,000 range. We are aware that the method McCullough alludes to here for arriving at that range, which we might call the “extrapolate from VAERS using the URF (under-reporting factor)” method, is only one among several others, including all-cause mortality data, estimates of average fatality rates per dose, and survey data, which all tend to arrive at estimates within this range. We are aware of numerous arguments for suspecting that the real number is higher, even as high as the 13 million world-wide number arrived at by Denis Rancourt and his team, which would mean around two and half-million American deaths. All in all, with the exception of the precise calculation of how many deaths were added in 2024, this is very old news for us.
And we know McCullough—if medical experts who oppose him on this had put-together a serious, pause-causing refutation of the 30-fold URF his estimate relies upon, he would know about it, and would qualify his remarks with it.
What is this surreal world where, over here, this shocking number has long been widely known, but over in “mainstream-land” it is absent from day-to-day consciousness, with some gatekeepers dogmatically denying that the number could possibly be above several thousand, and with many more just never saying a thing about any number?
It’s the world described by scores of my suppression essays since mid’22, written with my blood, sweat, and tears, and yet to this day without ANY dialogic response from my fellow “conservative” intellectuals and writers.1
Debate about the number would not be not suppression. By debate, I mean pieces or interviews which would say something like this: “such-and-such [named] experts, including the esteemed Peter McCullough, say the number is 560,000, and for the following reasons…but, here are the reasons from opposed experts so-and-so which cause our magazine/platform to conclude that the real number must be at least 5 or 10 times lower.” I.e., in the course of opposing McCullough’s number, my imagined non-suppressive conservative news-site, magazine, channel or politician would report it, and they would supply their own best-estimate of what the real number is. They would admit the fact that this is a matter of scientific dispute.
Instead, by not going into any of this, they lead the public to believe that they believe that fewer than a few thousand fatalities have occurred, and, that they have looked into dissident claims to the contrary with due diligence, finding these to have zero or next-to-no credibility.
But it is obvious they have done no such research.
All they have done is to repeat to themselves the talking-points of the pre-RFK Jr. CDC, FDA, and HHS, and to have assumed that it is an unalterable axiom of big-boy prudence that to look any further is to harm the conservative cause, and one’s career within it.
It is unclear how these types are going to handle the Kennedy-era of the federal health agencies now bearing down upon them. And it is unclear whether Trump will try to derail Kennedy, so as to keep them comfortable enough.
But this I know. If, when Trump said at the end of his speech that
With God’s help, over the next four years, we are going to lead this nation even higher, and we are going to forge the freest, most advanced, most dynamic and most dominant civilization ever to exist on the face of this Earth… [with the] safest and wealthiest and healthiest and most vital communities anywhere in the world…
and he assumed that any of that could happen while we continue to ignore the existence of the 560,000, as well as the millions more seriously injured by the Covid vaxxes, he was voicing a delusional hope.
And a Godless one.
The most important have been: “Adjunct Suppressors,” “The Purpose of Open Journalism and Free Speech,” “The Rationales of the Knowing Suppressors, Parts One, Two, and Three,” “Eric Metaxas: Not a Suppressor,” “What Suppression Is Not,” “2025, Supservatives, 2025,” and “Dissident Mutiny?”
Sadly something similar is true of the Spanish Flu more than a century ago. When Gina Kolata was researching her book she discovered that the journalistic "records of the day" said far less about that global disaster than celebrity news and sports scores. We will never know what actually happened with that pandemic thanks to the collusion that tried to bury it from collective memory. A sure sign something nasty is going on.