Trump gave a magnificent speech before Congress this week, an example of what a vigorous and intelligent president, and one seeking to keep his rhetoric more in the realm of the sincere than in the calculated, can deliver.
Sadly something similar is true of the Spanish Flu more than a century ago. When Gina Kolata was researching her book she discovered that the journalistic "records of the day" said far less about that global disaster than celebrity news and sports scores. We will never know what actually happened with that pandemic thanks to the collusion that tried to bury it from collective memory. A sure sign something nasty is going on.
Sadly something similar is true of the Spanish Flu more than a century ago. When Gina Kolata was researching her book she discovered that the journalistic "records of the day" said far less about that global disaster than celebrity news and sports scores. We will never know what actually happened with that pandemic thanks to the collusion that tried to bury it from collective memory. A sure sign something nasty is going on.