Feb 4·edited Feb 4

At some point I thought there were lots of nasty viruses flting around in the air. I also believed the vaccine was safe because the Australian Prime Minister said it was. Why didn't I have the vaccine? I was stubborn, stupid brave, and of course rebellious about the lock downs in Australia. I am so glad I was stubborn, and stupid brave

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Yes, in my case too, innate rebel contrariness was a factor. More often than not, that inclination is beneficial, though it sometimes leads us astray. At its best, it bleeds into this, in the words of the political philosopher Tocqueville:

"That which, in all times, has so strongly attached certain men’s hearts to liberty, are its own attractions, its own peculiar charms, independent of its benefits; it is the pleasure of being able to speak, act, and breath without constraint, under the government of God and the laws alone. Whoever seeks for anything from liberty but itself is made for slavery. …Others tire of liberty in the midst of their prosperity; they let it be taken from their hands without resistance… What do they lack to make them free? What? The very desire to be so. Do not ask me to analyze this sublime desire, it must be felt. It enters of itself into the great hearts that God has prepared to receive it; it fills them, it fires them. One must give up on making this comprehensible to the mediocre souls who have never felt it." (The Old Regime and the Revolution, Bk. 3, chap. 3)

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The vaccines caused negative side effects like myocarditis and the virus caused negative side effects like myocarditis. What percentage of each (vaccine / virus) are responsible for the deaths you’re talking about here? To say that the virus is 0% to blame feels disingenuous.

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First, if our govts and media and orgs would stop suppressing the story, we could have the big and carefully monitored studies, including autopsy studies, that would let us know the percentages you ask about.

Second, my impression, forced by the Suppression to rely on dissident reports/estimates in the main, is that while there remains legitimate debate about long-Covid effects v. Covid-vax effects, and a good deal of unknowns in that area, the evidence is increasingly moving quantifiably against long-Covid harms as compared to the vax ones, and esp. in the myocarditis area. (E.g see the McCullough video in the post below, where he talks about the Nakahara and co. study.) If in the final count it turns out that cc. to the vaxxes for it, Covid-19 itself delivered 1 harm for every 50 the vaxxes did, the kind of argument you're implying here will wind up pretty meaningless. I certainly don't say 0%, though. I worry now and then that all of us who got contracted any strain of the virus, whether vaccinated or not, could turn out to suffer certain long-term harms from it. In early 2023, certain dissidents like Igor Chudov and (Walter?) Chestnut (he's a rec on Chudov's stack) were super-worried about that possibility, and had collected some disturbing evidence. Chudov seems less convinced that that is a threat these days. I only know that, it was most likely a Frankenvirus developed by evil (and mostly U.S.) scientists interested in bioweapons, and that for a month or so after my Oct '21 Delta infection, I felt slightly off, or slightly different.

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It seems like at least *one* country would have data on the comparable long-term effects of Covid vaccines and Covid, right? And it seems like to make the arguments you're making here, you'd need that info.

Otherwise the chart that shows the rise of "suddenly" and "unexpectedly" in obituaries doesn't say much, since those deaths could have been in older people who experienced the side effects of Covid. (And vaccinations in older adults seems like a *very* clear net win according to meta-analysis on the topic: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9862835/)

Anecdotally, I had no noticeable long-term effects from my Covid vaccines or my first bout of Covid. But I've had effects that have lasted for three months now after my second bout of Covid.

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My response: a.) your itself unconvincing argument attacks but ONE of thirty or forty metrics which the dissidents put forward which correlate the rises in all-cause mortality and various previously-rare medical conditions with the CV-19 vaxxes, b.) you again blame the dissidents like myself for not having the info which IS BEING SUPPRESSED by govts around the world--see Steve Kirsch's various posts where again and again he is trying, pleading, to get even partial releases of the relevant data, c.) I wouldn't have to make either of these points if you read or listened to the various dissidents regularly, say, for about 45 minutes each week--my previous post on recent videos contains a ftnt which gives guidance about which dissident sources matter most.

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