Aug 23Liked by Titus Techera, Carl Eric Scott

really good essay

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Excellent piece Carl- I have shared it with my Politics and the Media students, who yesterday read for class mid 20th century liberal Alexander Meikeljohn's Free Speech and Its Relation to self Government. He wrote: 'the freedom of mind which befits members of a self-governing society is not a given and fixed part of human nature. It can be increased and established by learning, by learning, by the unhindered flow of accurate information, by giving men health and vigor and security, by bringing them together in activities of communication and mutual understanding." (16-17)


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Great quote. FYI, I just noticed that towards the end of his book Canavan respectfully, but ultimately critically, analyzes Meikeljohn's key points on purpose, and his unique separation of the free expression rights into an absolutist First-protected class, and a mixed 5th/14th class.

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