This is brilliant and very important. The DUTY to tell citizens important truths has been abdicated and never even considered by political leaders and the 100-percent captured MSM. I look forward to the follow-up articles and will do what I can to increase the reach of this article.

Those who think like we do have somehow got to get around the "gatekeepers of the news" (who create and then suppress the truth about our myriad false and harmful "narratives.") Significant real journalism needs to reach far more people. And we need far more brave and enlightened true "leaders."

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I agree with you Bill, but the entire system is rotted and has been for a long time. Unless this issue leads to the exposure of our system's inherent flaws, I don't see gaining any traction from this issue. We are a small minority among a great mass of mush, and those in control know it. If anything heats up, an external war with cries of patriotism will occur lickety split. Or is it importing millions of those who can't be assimilated leading to divide and conquer? Decisions, decisions.

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I share your concerns, Steve. I might be wrong, but I keep holding out hope that "real journalism" - if it reached enough people - would defeat rotten and captured journalism and at least let more people know how many "true" elements of conventional wisdom are actually lies.

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I'd say each day there are more, but each day thousands of people descended from Aztecs enter our country with government assistance, most of whom the chance of integrating is close to nil. Many are even illiterate in their own language.

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Are you aware Bill of what has happened in Brazil with Lula and Co? I'm just wondering if those who lined up to get the experiment ,might actually have a deep seated concern ; they could be feeling like a Trojan Horse with an enemy within ? I'll assume they have heard or read what happens to people who speak up or become a dissenting voice. If the powers that be make it mandatory to take the stuff in any number of withheld privileges- pretty sure they are already deciding what that looks like - then we are "all in the same boat" in this experiment- kind of like the collapse of the uninjected control group with the Pfize... experiment and more than slaves to these people who want to control the population . The intention is to make examples of the few to terrorize the masses .

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You can lead a horse to water, but if he dies of thirst he was really stupid.

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deletedSep 1
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Bill, just curious your reasons for getting a flip phone, if that’s not too personal? I suspect I know some of them but still I’m curious. Which model?

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It's cheaper and I don't use it much - just to stay in touch with my wife. I don't do texting. I probably need to move into the 21st century and upgrade to the fancy devises. I need to be able to take more photos for my Substack.

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I love your posts, Wes. You've got to start posting more often. We need more Wes Gaylard wisdom.

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BTW, Carl picked the perfect introductory quote:

"They gave applause to Hector’s ruinous tactics,

None to Polydamas, who gave them sound advice."

Homer, Il., XVIII, 312-13; Fagles trans.

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Sep 1Liked by Carl Eric Scott

Great article. Lucky it came in my email. It didn’t show up in my substack. I have to search for your name in substack then I could find it…your older posts were there but I had to actually click on your name to find your latest. This has happened with a few others I follow such as David Hughes…does not show up in my inbox so I have to do the same to see what his latest is.

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This apparently happens quite often - especially to "Covid Contrarian" writers (like myself).

My Spider Sense says some more "suppression" might be afoot.

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Hmm...and you're subscribed?

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I've said since the rollout of the "vax" that there's no predicting who got it based on education, occupation, age, or any other grouping. There are those of lower "intellect" who ran the other way and those who you'd bet would smell a rat from across an ocean who fell not only for that but the "novel virus" ploy. As for the son exposing the deeds of the father, that's a pipe dream; the apple rarely falls far from the tree, and that apple likely will lie there to rot.

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Sep 1·edited Sep 1

"a very sensible clergyman who knew nothing of the vax-harm claims"

What? This is an oxymoron if ever there were one. How can this man possibly be considered "sensible"? You will never convince me of that.

There is a useful and appropriate adjective you left out. He might be "seemingly" very sensible. Certainly not sensible in actuality.

Great article though, way too long to expect to be 100% bulletproof.

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Well said, SteelJ, and generous, but if you knew this particular man, you'd agree with me. "Sensible" doesn't begin to describe his various excellences, and his stern yet winning orthodoxy. I'll also point out that he was quite open-minded to my understanding of the vax-harms once I got into it with him.

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Sep 1·edited Sep 1Liked by Carl Eric Scott

A very important essay.

It brings to my mind the 2023 video of Laura Kasner, after having made many attempts to communicate with state officials, confronting Attorney General of Ohio Dave Yost, a Republican, with a vial of the worm-like fibrinous clots taken from a cadaver. Kasner's urgent message: "How many more Ohioans, how many more of our children and young adults will die before your office conducts an investigation?"

I don't know what AG Yost thinks now, early September 2024, but at the time that was filmed one year ago, it was clear to me that he considered this paranoid nonsense, far outside the scope of anything worth his attention. Sadly, AG Yost was dead wrong about that and, in fact Kasner, together with Tom Haviland, has done important international surveys of embalmers.

If anyone wants to see the video & transcript, they can have a look here:


More about Haviland and Kasner's surveys, and other testimonies about the fibrinous clots, here:


People like AG Yost, I don't know what's in their minds, but I do know this: come 2044, if they're still alive after (presumably) having taken so many clotshots, these times will likely bring some highly uncomfortable memories.

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You are so right, TB. That anecdote involving Laura and that attorney general encapsulates what this author is writing about. I wonder what these people will say to their children in 20 years.

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I wonder, too. But I do not believe that those who took more than a couple of shots without detoxing, who might otherwise be here, will still be here in 20 years. But time will tell.

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“..,,, if they're still alive after (presumably) having taken so many clotshots, these times will likely bring some highly uncomfortable memories.”

We can only hope, TB.

Appreciate you bringing this to Carl Eric’s attention. I posted a comment to another of his stacks with a link to mine. Also sent a DM in case he doesn’t get a notification of my comment.

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Congrats and much gratitude to you and Tom Haviland for your latest interview, wit Jonathan Broadbent. I left a comment there, but I say it again here: It was fascinating and important throughout.


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I recently met Jonathan via a zoom conversation. I'm very glad to see this link and plan to go back and read all of Jonathan's posts and media offerings.

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Do you follow Sabrina Wallace on Odyssey… I believe she is only one telling 💯 truths on all this … and Nonvaxer420 on Rumble also has her videos

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I'll check her out--initial glances suggest she's a dissident whose work is not quite my cup of tea, but thanks for tipping me. I'm sure there's more there.

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I just posted a new video from her today .. based on my own personal medical testing experience with implants & remote controls, I was immediately drawn to her videos

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Sep 2Liked by Carl Eric Scott

Wow, lots to think about! Most of the people around me believe as I do regarding the dangers of the vax. I try to put thoughts/suggestions in the minds of others by asking questions. I found I’ve been hesitant at times, not wanting others who are vaxxed to be afraid of heart attacks or cancer. I have also found that many don’t want to listen to the suggestion that their problems may be vax related. I’m not a journalist, just a regular person, but I feel we have an obligation as well to help others see the truth.

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I look forward to reading your Socratic dialogue. One concern that is deeply troubling for me is the fact that the social engineering since Covid has been so demonically brilliant and insidious, a large part of the population now act as de facto police and social enforcers on behalf of the very State that attempted to murder them. This is still going on even here at the local level, where community Facebook administrators (some of them my friends and neighbours) happily suppress any content they disagree with, particularly if it's the least bit "controversial." (As defined by the mainstream media outlets they watch.) We have people here who are still unaware that their spouses were pitched into premature deaths through vax-accelerated cancers and other diseases. They still believe either that Covid could be lethal or that "they were probably going to die soon anyway." As a journalist, I've tried to explain in my articles the dangerous nonsense this represents, but only get more ostracized within my own community. I suppose a historical precedent might be those Jews getting on German trains still believing they were just going to a temporary work camp.

This is what all those decades of CIA mind-control projects revealed: You don't need fancy drugs or electroshock therapy to brainwash or control people, just a sophisticated knowledge of human psychology. Add to that the alteration of psychology that occurs under duress, and you have yet another tool to push people whichever direction you choose. Hence the continous series of "emergencies" designed to keep people in the fight-or-flight state, incapable of accessing their frontal cortex.

I'm less comfortable defining this argument in Conservative vs. Democrat (in Canada where I live, Liberal) terms. It's clear from the testimony of Dr. Scott Atlas that in the early days of the "pandemic," Trump allowed Fauci and Birx to bully Atlas out of the White House in favour of a pre-selected narrative despite a complete absence of scientific evidence. (Dr. Atlas says none was ever presented despite his repeated requests.) Trump still doggedly insists the "warp speed" program of Covid vaccines saved lives, when we now know this is the worst falsehood going.

It's clear this was a program being directed by the Deep State and its intelligence agencies, for whom political distinctions are mostly meaningless. The fact that Biden was allowed to continue despite severe dementia and now Kamala Harris is presidential candidate despite being incapable of constructing a coherent sentence only proves that they are nothing more than sock puppets run by their Deep State handlers. The fact that this has been made so open is shocking to me and can only suggest that they feel so secure in their autocratic power they don't give a damn if anyone knows. Trump might be harder for them to control but then there's always the Jeffrey Epstein strategy, if not outright voter fraud.

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Excellent post, Sean. You sound exactly like me - one of the few "journalists" who doesn't mind questioning the "experts" and authorities.

You are spot on that the Deep State probably doesn't care if anyone is "on to them." The people who do clearly see what's happening - like us and all the readers here - are marginalized and struggling to get a few thousand readers on Substack.

First they (our real rulers) were brazen; now they are more brazen - but they will no doubt become even more brazen going forward ... because they know they have already captured every organization that could stop and expose them. (Also, they can't allow the truth or "transparency" at this point - that would leave them all tarred and feathered and banished from their institutions ... With this knowledge, they act accordingly.

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Thanks Bill. "...marginalized and struggling to get a few thousand readers on Substack." Exactly. I'm convinced the Deep State is using a hierarchy of threat assessment that probably goes something like this: a couple thousand followers on your platform, no worries. 10,000, okay now we're keeping tabs on you but not seriously. 100,000 and you just moved up a notch in the threat assessment. A million or more and you're top of their hit list.

What worries me as much as this is the way the masses have allowed themselves to be turned into informers and social police, just like in the former East Germany or Soviet Russia. How do you build solidarity for resistance with that bunch of "useful idiots"?

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I think I've reached the plateau where I've made the "watch list" (and I have 6,600 paid subscribers and a little more than 8,000 Substack "followers" (I"m still not sure what's the difference between a subscriber and follower).

I think the algorithm designers and censors also (intentionally) created an environment where would-be dissidents know they have to "self censor" (to keep their accounts and keep reaching ALL of their followers).

Keep doing what you're doing!

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"Community facebook administrators?" What is this? Could you say more? What is the suppression they are doing?

I'm beginning to think the main case against fb/yt/Google (i.e., FOR breaking them into smithereens), is that they have been training people to accept and administer censorship, mainstreaming despotism.

But this is something I hadn't heard of--a radical instance of censorship-creep.

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Probably according to your definition it would be suppression rather than censorship, although I'm not sure I'm clear on the distinction and wonder if it's just a little bit semantic. A local business posted that since a nearby community café opened that had been built almost entirely from government grant money, he had lost 90% of his business selling coffee and snacks in his art gallery. He said he couldn't compete with a heavily subsidized business like that when he has no such subsidies. The Facebook administrators felt this was "too controversial" to put out. The community café is staffed in part by volunteers and had been used to feed firefighters for free during our wildfire crisis this summer, a point in its favour.

Further, during the pandemic, the community newspaper I've worked for, for over two decades, was very careful about what reports of mine they would publish. This despite the fact that my articles are always research-verified and that research painted a very different picture of Covid-19 than the authorities' view they were publishing. However, because the newspaper is locally owned by good people, it compromised by allowing free reign in the Letters to the Editor pages, where many dissenters had their say (and with surprising eloquence, I might add). It was a carefully managed compromise between freedom of speech and toeing the government line. (Prime Minister Justin Trudeau bailed out the newspaper industry in Canada to the tune of $6 million in 2019 and funds the salary of Local Journalism Initiative reporters 100% plus other reporters' salaries. We now have our own version of Pravda.)

But meanwhile, people who had read and trusted my journalism for 20 years suddenly stopped talking to me. So even here, in a tiny community in British Columbia, the trickle-down of self-censorship is evident. Our social engineers are evil geniuses. Divide and conquer works, unfortunately.

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Congrats on the new book, BTW. Crude question, but which poems of your own are your favorites? Any of these available free?

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Well that's a bit like asking a parent if they have a favourite child I guess. But I think the entire title sequence, "Pole Shift," of 12 poems—of which I published the first three on Substack: https://seanarthurjoyce.substack.com/p/pole-shift-poems-for-a-changing-world

I'll publish a few more from the title sequence online as a teaser for the book. As a poet I find certain poems do suggest themselves more than others for public performance, so I'll probably be reading "Catalogue of False Narratives," which addresses the obsession with "fake news," and the poems "Leaping Into Clarity," "Angel of the Flaming Sword," and others. I'm probably just about the only poet in Canada to even address the "pandemic," since nearly all the rest bought the narrative.

The book has a Notes on the Poems section to provide insight into the many mythological and cultural references throughout the poems. In times past, with a better public educational system, this may not have been required. But now I find even basic English literary references often have to be spelled out for people and few these days have any real knowledge of the world's rich mythological traditions.

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The first three are very good. I like the lines about friends and enemies especially. And in four, the thing about shoes popping up from the water...

Will it be available on Amazon? Or from some Canadian bookstore?

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Carl, you raise the problematic issue of dealing with Amazon. My publisher won't do it. I've been to so many writers' festivals with panels of small to mid-sized publishers complaining that Amazon demands such a low wholesale rate, they lose money on every sale! But it's a Catch-22: it's the largest bookselling platform on Earth, so if you're not on it, you virtually don't exist as an author. I suppose we have to extend our support for the local, brick and mortar bookstore to publishers as well, otherwise Amazon will eventually drive them out of business (which may in fact be their plan).

For my book, you can order it directly from the publisher (and I keep harping at him to upgrade that damn clunky website) or from me. If you have any problems please let me know and I'll send the book direct. http://www.ekstasiseditions.com

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"...it looks like the estimates by 2044 could not get beyond the 40 million mark, ..."

Hopefully, that's true, and you include the as yet unknown possibility of longer term effects of the globalists' schemes. But in that, I didn't see any mention of the documented sterilizing effects of the jabs on both men and women, which will likely be a huge downstream multiplier for depopulation. It is hard to quantify those that otherwise would have been born and count them in the genocide. There was a Qpost alluding to that, without the great awakening, it could/would have been much worse.

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Qpost? What is that? I hope it's not a Q-anon thing.

I made a choice to not include the fertility harms in my summaries. I either don't understand the main dissident posts in this area, or, I haven't learned which are the best. It seems to me that what we can DOCUMENT are tens of thousands of additional miscarriages (American numbers). That's huge, but the reason I didn't list it is my strong suspicion that the situation w/ fertility harms is a good deal worse than just that, and that's before we even get to the downstream/next-generation possibilities, if God forbid, some of the theories about that pan out. I guess I'm waiting for clearer evidence to emerge in this harm-area. And there were already weird things going on w/ fertility pre-2020/21--diminishing sperm counts, for example, so one would have to isolate those factors from the jab-effects.

Given how we can extrapolate using URF/VAERS, surveys, all-cause mortality data, and some estimates of harm-frequency per jab, it feels like we can get in the ballpark with deaths and injuries, even though it is a frighteningly wide ballpark of estimates. I just have no sense that we yet can see up from down in the fertility-harms area. You might want to check out the video in this piece on the Burkhardt autopsies--his histological method found TONS of spike protein in the testes of the jabbed who had suffered sudden death.

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