Nov 7, 2022Liked by Titus Techera, Carl Eric Scott

Thanks for this!!!

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Nov 7, 2022Liked by Titus Techera, Carl Eric Scott

I greatly appreciate your summaries and commentaries.

Let’s focus on simple things which will likely bear fruit.

1) damnation of HCQ & IVM

2) prior planning wrt “dangerous pandemics”

3) lack of a skeptical voice among CDC/FDA watchdogs.

Let’s see the discovery portion of these upcoming trials, forthwith.

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Carl, I think you're right about the unprecedented public failure of freedom, democracy, &, ultimately, civilization. Looking around, 21st c. America with some frequency brings to mind the phrase of Livy, we are too weak to bear our vices or their remedies.

But I see reasonable political & even intellectual grounds for hope here & there, in a kind of rebellion against the elites that bear most of the guilt, as you say. Not to pretend that ordinary people have been blameless; in general, people who don't stand up for themselves are very unsympathetic victims; but a rebellion would involve standing up for themselves & even a throwing off of the habits of taking one's beatings...

Today's sign, of course, is the major electoral victory I expect the GOP will achieve today. But with all such things, what we make of them is the most important thing; these are opportunities, of no good to the ignorant or the impotent.

Talking politics with people who are not in DC or political scientists, &c., they quickly come around to the common sense question: What can I do about it? I think we need to have answers for that question, which of course all turn it toward what can we do about it!

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An excellent read, Carl. I think it’s brilliant the way you related it to the 7 deadly sins because it makes perfect sense. In fact, it’s so good, I’m sharing this on Twitter.

“Why I get so impassioned about the “professional conservatives” going along, particularly through their silence, with the elites’ media blackout.” <- I feel the SAME way.

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