Aug 16·edited Aug 16

To offer some context and background from a well-respected source, the Bridge Iniative at Georgetown:

"The Identitarian Movement is a far-right, white nationalist movement originating in France that opposes non-white immigration, primarily Muslim, as they claim it threatens Europe’s identity and will replace the white native population. Author and researcher Natasha Strobl, states: “They paint refugees as invaders, as dangerous soldiers of Islam who come here to destroy Europe. Strobl noted that the “most well-known figure of the neo-Nazis, Gottfried Küssel, was [Sellner’s] mentor.” Küssel is a Holocaust-denier and was released from jail in January 2019. The Austrian intelligence agency BVT characterizes the Identitarian Movement as racist and nationalist.

In a 2016 interview with The Huffington Post, Sellner warned that “Muslims could be in the majority [in Europe] soon,” and viewed this as a “danger.” Sellner’s solution is to “close the borders,” and stop immigration, and force immigrants and Muslims already in Europe to leave. Sellner speaks of an inevitable future of “Islamization” that has to be stopped. In a June 2015 video, Sellner calls on patriots to rally on the streets to “fight for their future.”

Sellner once belonged to a Neo-Nazi group. In April 2019, the BBC reported Sellner “had admitted to police in 2006 that he and a companion stuck a swastika poster on a synagogue in the town of Baden bei Wien.”


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You are in favor of those you deem racist to be legally banned from travelling in the nation they are citizen of? Yes or no?

BTW, I believe that everything you report in the second paragraph is perfectly legal to say, perfectly reasonable for a politician to have as part of his platform. I might not agree with aspects of Sellner's policy proposals, and I might not vote for him, but yes, I will defend to the death his right to voice such ideas.

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