Back in February and March, I discussed the Richard Hirschman story, especially in my posts “Update on the Hirschman String-Clot Story,” and “Flock of Dark, Bowl of White.” The Alabama embalmer Richard Hirschman began discovering in mid-2021, for the first time of his two-decade career, stringy clot-like structures inside the veins and arteries of many cadavers of recently deceased persons, and with his knowing that nearly all of these persons had been vaccinated. Moreover, he received confirmation from 4-5 embalmer colleagues that they were discovering the same.
Some new information has come out, with video of lab-type analysis of the structures extracted—they are available here: “MUST-SEE: Mortician Finds Massive Hand-Sized Clots In Cadavers After Vax Release.” There are four videos, three culled from the main one, but it will be worth your time to view that fourth and main one nearly in full—to avoid material unrelated to the story, begin 15:00 in, skip 49:00-58:00, and end at 206:00.
Yes, there are reasons to wonder about the overall trustworthiness of the hosting outlet, Alex Jones’ InfoWars, and about the main medical expert conducting the microscopic analysis on camera, Dr. Mike Adams. Some, but not me, might also find Dr. Jane Ruby an untrustworthy figure, given her ongoing work with the often sensationalistic Stew Peters.
I am not interested in becoming an expert on the correct conservative weighing and evaluating of the plusses and minuses of these four figures just mentioned. To the extent that they keep providing good information on the vax-harms that pans out, I do not care about whatever pre-2020 sins they may or may not be guilty of. I never tuned to Alex Jones or Stew Peters until forced to recently by the refusal of most media, including most conservative media outlets (including the several supposedly “hard-hitting” or “scientism-questioning” ones) to cover key vax-harms stories like this one. I accepted the official view that Jones and Peters deserved to be shunned. I still remain wary, and especially of Peters, although events have forced me to be more open to InfoWars’ speculations about deep-state conspiracies, and about post-1970s vaccination policy.
As for Dr. Ruby and Dr. Adams, I can say that the first seems diligent and conscientious, if readier to leap to “big-conspiracy” theories than I’d like, and that whatever the full story is on Adams, there is nothing in this video that requires us to trust him beyond what we see him doing on camera. Every claim he makes here about these clot-like structures—as opposed to one or two more tentatively offered speculations he makes—is easily falsifiable by any checker who might also obtain samples from Hirschman, and does a similar analysis on-camera.
In other words, I am saying this is one of those occasions where we are obliged to take what an outlet like InfoWars is putting before us straight. (I would also suggest that moving forward, we may become obliged to take its reports much more seriously if the supposedly respectable media keep dropping the ball, and if it keeps doing fine work like this.) I am saying there is very little in the main part of the long video report that requires us to venture beyond our necessary (preliminary) trust in Hirschman’s account of his extraction and custody of the samples i.e., little that requires us to bank heavily on any of the reporters’ overall reliability. I.e., the fact that these facts are coming to us via InfoWars is an irrelevant fact, and is radically overshadowed by the facts themselves. Now as for the special claims added by an anonymous urgent-care doctor who has his voice disguised—those claims belong to another category. And sure, I wish Adams had kept his theory about CO2 out of his (skippable) introduction. I’ll say more about the background reliability issues in this footnote,1 but of course, the problem behind all of this is that all our medical agencies, all mainstream+Fox media, and most sickening, nearly all conservatives leaders and media figures, have absolutely refused to do their job on this story.
The main parts of the InfoWars video are a) Dr. Adams’s on-camera analysis of samples, b) his audio-only interview with a whistle-blower urgent care doctor, who has his voice disguised, c) his interview with Richard Hirschman, and b) his interview with Dr. Jane Ruby. While the pictures are shocking, segments b) and d) are where the most totally new aspects of the story emerge.
Here are the main take-aways as I see them:
1. Almost no-one has been willing to follow up on this whole story. Almost no journalists, no medical organizations, laboratory analysts, etc. Dr. Jane Ruby frankly admits that since her breaking of this story in February, that her subsequent efforts to investigate it have involved much spinning of her wheels—several people who had promised to work with her in some way dropped the ball, engaged in deceptive stalling tactics, or backed out. She finally realized that this Dr. Adams, known for his Natural News platform, would be the person to take it to the next level, and that InfoWars would be for all practical purposes the only forum capable to delivering. Remember--this apparently widespread phenomenon of never-seen-prior-to-2021 clot-like structures forming in veins and arteries can only mean one of two things: a.) either some other novel-to-2021 agent is causing these structures to form, or b.) in some significant set of their recipients, the vaxxes are causing them. Either way, they are a danger that could wind-up killing hundreds of thousands, or even more, and time might be crucial here. Those journalists, docs, and organization heads who have been refusing to investigate this will wind up guilty of a murderous dereliction of duty.
2. This lack of investigation means we have very little new solid statistical info on these clot-like structures since the initial February reports. The sample sizes remain small. Shockingly, though, there has been a massive increase of off-the-record evidence that indicates we could have had a large set of data by now, had a) more investigatory processes been undertaken, and b) more people been brave enough. See my next take-away.
3. Dr. Ruby says (around 133:00) that around fifty to sixty embalmers and other funeral-home/medical personnel have told her that they are seeing the same thing Hirschman is, but off-the-record. It seems they are afraid of their careers being destroyed, but we must note here that their reluctance to come forward could well prove to be a choice that will doom hundreds of thousands to unnecessary deaths. They are helping a radically corrupt medical and media establishment keep us all in the dark on this, and risking the possibility that that corruption is only going to spread the more its beneficiaries keep “getting away with it.”
I urge those fifty or so persons to reconsider their decision.
Those of you who followed my previous posts on this story do know that there are around three to five other embalmers on record, and not all of these are from Alabama.
4. The emergency-care facility doctor Adams interviews claims his facility has been seeing, over the last couple of months, a dramatic uptick of younger-than-typical patients with blood-flow issues, some of them fatal, some of them involving strange cutting-off-of circulation to the extremities, resulting in damaged fingers and toes. His words are that the number of such cases has been “sky-rocketing” and are occurring “almost on a daily basis”—I believe he means during March-May of this year. See 31:00-40:00. That’s one report, to be sure, anonymous and unconfirmed, but a most alarming one. I was hoping we would learn that the clot-like-structures Hirschman and co. found mainly form in one-to-six-month window after injection, such that if you haven’t developed these by now you’re likely in the clear. But if this doc’s report is accurate, and reflects a wider trend happening across the world, that might not be the case.
5. On the basis of his magnifications of the structures, and on the (in-retrospect obvious, and something Hirschman missed) absence of evidence that would indicate colagulated blood, Dr. Mark argues, I believe quite convincingly, that these novel structures are not clots. They may be feeding off of materials carried by the blood, but their material does not consist of platelets or clotted blood. It is some kind of protein-based substance. This would mean some earlier theories of why these “clots” are forming, such as one put forward by Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, that had spike-proteins causing a cascade of clotting in veins and arteries, cannot be correct. Not for the novel clots.
Don’t misunderstand this—clotting/thrombosis has been among the more prominent adverse-reactions reported so far—the “vax” didn’t acquire the insult-tag “clot-shot” as early as April of 2021 for nothing. So maybe something like Bhakdi’s theory works to explain that. But we now know the novel structures that the embalmers have been calling our attention to are not blood clots, not even, say, 10% blood-clot, 90% something else.
6. That also means, as far as I understand the science here, that the existence of these structures growing within the body might not be detectable by most existing tests, such as the d-dimer test, nor can blood-thinning agents be used to break them up or to function as a prophylactic against their forming. That could prove to be very bad news. The anonymous doctor interviews agrees that they are not clots, and reports that several standard medicines used to combat clots, such as Coumadin, are not working with his patients. He says he is not seeing any evidence that d-dimer tests are working to detect the novel “clots” before they do damage, and that as for the ones in the more key arteries, perhaps no tests but highly targeted MRIs and CT scans could detect them. (45:00-48:00) This could mean next to nothing—again, it’s one doc reporting on what he’s noticing with a bizarre new wave of blood-flow blockage cases. He could be an agent of some kind, could have his own sincere-but-unadmitted agenda of some kind, could be making basic mistakes of some kind, etc. But notice something else that it could mean: these structures could be forming in many, even most, of the vax-recipients, slowly but surely, with little way to detect their presence—even when they are looked for—prior to their either killing the victim or doing ruinous damage to her circulatory system.
7. Dr. Mark speculates that the only thing that can explain the growth of these structures is something akin to self-assembling agents, programmed by someone via DNA. He also at one point indicates that what he is seeing could only be the result of an intentional—if experimental—plan to grow these structures in vax-recipients.
I think he jumps the gun in his reasoning at that point—I assume an unintended consequence of a recklessly developed novel medicine rather than intentional harm is the most logical explanation of these structures. That said, it is the case that if some group involved in the development or manufacture, either at the top, or as a rogue group within, had a diabolical military-agenda or depopulation-agenda intention to slowly kill millions in a manner difficult to trace, in manner that would lead the relatives and friends of most victims to assume natural causes, injecting medicine that would lead to the gradual formation of these structures would be a great way to do it. I regard it as unlikely, but I do not reject this explanation out of hand. The point to underline once again, however, is that the process of structure formation is NOT a clotting-based one, and that we as yet have no clue as to what this process might be.
8. There are some parts of the structures that are like long hairs or wires, which to Dr. Mark even more strongly suggests that some pre-planned “self-assembling” process is at work. Obviously, if he is right that if that is only way to explain the development of such structures in the body, the hypothesis of “programmed” structure-development set in play by the vaxxes becomes the leading explanation. But is that the only way to explain them?
9. Ruby says that Hirschman claims (137:00) that two of his samples have grown in size when out of the body, on their own, and when stored in formalin and refrigerated! To my mind this would seem impossible. Whereas everything I have learned about Hirschman has made me feel he is trustworthy, and a most-unlikely actor for any grand-deception scheme, this weird claim is the one thing that puts a grain of doubt into my mind. Needs to be checked, as again, everything about Hirschman must be—but obviously, if it is confirmed, hypotheses of intentionally-programed self-replicating “nanotechnology” become more plausible.
Adams and Ruby promise more soon, so stay tuned…
Overall, we are still—shockingly—at the bare beginning-point of the needed investigations. We do not yet have a multiple-labs confirmed statement about the chemical/molecular make-up of these structures. (Many labs are refusing to work with Dr. Ruby!) With a non-corrupt CDC and FDA we would have had that by mid-February. We do not yet have reliable numbers, and are very far from getting much clarity on that, but unless Ruby is outright lying about her fifty-to-sixty sources, it seems the best extrapolations of what the true numbers are will arrive at high estimates. I With a non-corrupt CDC and FDA, by now we could have had data back from thousands of mandated extra-thorough autopsies, from across America and representing the deceased from all age-groups and vax/Covid statuses. Even with a non-corrupt media, or just an only 80%-corrupted media, we could at least know if Hirschman’s experience is widespread. Ruby’s fifty-to-sixty too-scared-to-go-on-the-record sources could be talked to, and some of them convinced to go public.
Now the fact that the ongoing investigation of such an important story has been left to an outlet like InfoWars must mean it has been silently but emphatically declared off-limits to any reporter desiring to retain his MSM respectability/employability. That might be the most horrifying part of the story.
“Really?” you might say. “More horrifying than these two images of the structures?”
Yes, for the diseasing of bodily tissues here parallels a spiritual diseasing that goes much further, both in its breath and depth. I say that more horrifying than the structures growing within and blocking veins and arteries, perhaps of millions of victims-to-be, are the silences of the respectable, growing all around us, like an invisible cancer. Such silences and such “respectability” will wind up killing much more than mere bodies. They threaten to smother all remaining faith in civilization.
Let me end, then, with a number of questions.
Republican Governors, including DeSantis, where are you on this?
Republican state legislatures, where are you on this?
Republican Representatives and Senators, where are you on this?
Donald Trump, where are you on this? You have partial responsibility for the rushed and utterly-botched vax development, after all.
Fox News, where are you on this?
Tucker Carlson, where are you on this?
Wall Street Journal? National Review? AEI, Heritage, Cato? National Affairs?
The New Atlantis? James Poulos?
The American Mind?
Where are the demands for investigation? Where? Any state, say Florida, my Utah, Oklahoma, etc., could with a single law incentivize the relatives of the recently deceased to seek out monitored autopsies, which even if only a few hundred to a thousand were done, would let us know in a more systematic way if more clot-like structures were being found, and give us some notion of the trend-line.
This story has been out there for four months! And nearly no-one has stepped up!
Hirschman and Ruby will go down as heroes, I believe, and I warn you, conservatives with resources, platforms, and power, that the type of coordinated negligence towards this story that is going on here, and which you are participating in if you read this and do nothing, could wind up consigning your reputation to the dung-heap. Your instinctual allergy to anything that even touches the realm of the “Alex Jones types” is no longer the mark of sophistication you might assume it is. If you were to demand or organize real investigations, and the worst fears of myself and people like Ruby, Jones, and Adams were to be proven unfounded, your constituencies would be quite grateful. But if you keep playing these games of no see-um, no talk-um, no nothing, and our fears are even 10% realized, your ruin will only be a matter of time. You are not being smart on this, and you are not being just.
I do not know enough about the many charges that have been launched against Jones and Adams over the years to say more than what I already have; I apologize to them for feeling obliged to draw attention to their latest scoops regarding the Hirschman story, without having the time to do adequate background on them, of the sort which might cut through the fog of the many attacks they have been subjected to; I regret if I am repeating tiresome slanders, and they or their defenders are welcome to respond in the comments. I am similarly situated with respect to Stew Peters, and finally, to the really key investigator of this story so far, Dr. Jane Ruby. All I can say, based on very limited research and on the watching of about ten broadcasts of their shows, is that I do not trust Peters (consider Peters’ pushing of the absurd, and I suspect Fed-planted, Bryan Ardis theory that Covid-19 is not a virus but caused by snake-venom in the water-supply), but I do trust Ruby. Obviously, since Ruby has chosen to link her work to Peters’ platform, that might be seen as an ignorant or incoherent judgement, so take it for what it is—one academic’s gut-judgment of fringe-journalists who he has only recently become obliged to look into.